Microphones: In order to capture the best signal, you need the best microphones and we have some fantastic models here, like the Brauner Phantom Classic- as well as the rare Michael Jolly capsule mod for our Rhode NT5’s.
Preamps: An essential part of a superior recording comes from teaming the right preamp to the microphone. We can boast a range of high end models including the renowned Universal Audio LA-610mk2.
Convertors: Quality AD-DA & DA-AD conversion is where most studios cut costs. At Big Jam we’re one of only a few UK studios to house the Burl Audio Mothership, boasting the best and most true to analogue conversion one the market.
Analogue Hardwear: Our analogue signal flow can gain tube warmth from our Fat Bustard mixer, jaw dropping distortion from our culture vulture & true gain control from our range of high end valve compressors.
Treated Space: Another area in which studios cut costs, is acoustic treatment. Both our live room and control room have full acoustic treatment to ensure what we hear, is what you hear when you get your mix home.
Mix Engineer: A studio is only as good as it’s mix engineer, and both our in-house engineers Kevin & Ricky have over 20 years of professional production experience between them.
For more info, check out the Big Jams Studio website here: http://bigjamstudios.co.uk/